Dec 3, 2015

HeastonYouth - DECEMBER 2015

We hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Thanksgiving! We are praying for those of you still without electricity and praying it will be turned on soon!

Due to the electrical outages, Heaston will NOT have church tonight (12/2)! We are postponing the caroling. We will meet next Wednesday, December 9th at church at our regular time - 6:00pm for dinner. We are planning on taking the bus into El Reno to either go Caroling at Woodson Apt. or work at Blessing Baskets. The students will be back at the church at 8:00pm to go home. We will keep you informed of the the plan!

Sunday, December 13th is the YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY at Madison Powell's home, from 6:00-8:00PM. The party is for all youth students from 6-12th grade. Please save the date! It will be a great time for all!

Hope to see everyone

"You Got This!"