Oct 20, 2014

@HeastonYouth Update - WINTER 2014

@HeastonYouth Update
Winter 2014
It has been a few months since our last update so we wanted to catch everyone up to speed on what is happening in youth ministry at Heaston.
Wednesday evenings: 
·         6:00pm dinner!! Always fun to break bread together!
·         6:45pm – Our current study is Follow Me by David Platt. 

What it really means to be a Christian and follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, submitting everything to Christ.  We meet as a large group for worship and a teaching time then the students break into small groups to discuss the lesson in more detail.

Sunday mornings:
·         Student led:  A couple of students study the verse that will be taught in the Worship Service by Pastor Racca and they lead a discussion on the verse and how it applies to our lives. We are hoping to get the student ready to worship and prepared to apply what they’ve just discussed gathering with the youth.  If you are interested in helping lead a discussion…let Jay or Samantha know!
Student Led Sundays

We encourage every student to bring their Bibles. The YouVersion app is wonderful and we use it extensively, but it is always good to have a working knowledge of the text itself.  Call it going "old school".

If you don’t have a Bible or you’ve outgrown that Bible you got when you were (maybe) 8yrs old, please let one of the leaders know. We would love to provide a Bible for you to have and use!

Please mark your calendar with the following dates:
Wednesday, October 29th: Fall Carnival  6:00-8:00pm at Heaston
The youth will NOT be meeting this week. Instead we are encouraging the youth to come and help serve the children’s ministry by helping with games during the Fall Carnival. The youth are responsible for three games so have your youth sign up to help!
Saturday, November 1st: Annual Chicken Dinner 5:30-7:00pm
Chicken Dinner!!
This is always a great time with a large crowd! The youth have traditionally had a Silent Auction and this year is no different. The money raised from the Silent Auction will go toward a Heaston mission partner, STEP (Evangelical Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince). The STEP administration is looking for resources to empower their faculty members to receive students in their homes and to travel with them to the field so that they can have time together to talk, and for the faculty members to be able to influence the lives of the students outside of classrooms (aka discipleship). We are using the proceeds from the Silent Auction to help fund this project! We have asked the students to sign up to provide a service to be auctioned such as babysitting, yard work, etc. or to make something or provide an item to be donated. Please visit with your student as to what you can donate! THANK YOU! We would like to have all donations in before 3:00pm Saturday, November 1st.

Sunday, November 2nd: Wawa Jean-Baptiste, President of STEP, will be speaking with the youth. This is definitely worth getting up for on Sunday morning!!!  Here are pictures from our mission trip in Spring 2014.
Sunday, November 9th: Lord’s Harvest Scavenger Hunt    
6:00-8:00pm…at the Emory’s home – on SW 25th Place The youth will meet at 6:00pm for dinner and then divide into teams for the scavenger hunt. They will go with an adult around El Reno to gather canned goods, toilet paper, paper towels, peanut butter, etc. All the items gathered by the teams will be donated to the Lord’s Harvest in El Reno for their Thanksgiving distributions. You may send food with your student or leave it at the youth office to contribute to the Lord’s Harvest. THANK YOU!

In December, we will be caroling for Senior Adults at the Woodson Apartments and will have a youth Christmas Party…dates and times will be coming!

It is our pleasure and privilege to share our love of Jesus Christ with your students!

Please let Jay or Samantha or any of the leaders know if you have questions!

Jay and Samantha
Twitter/Instagram: @heastonyouth

Apr 8, 2014

Heaston Youth - APRIL 2014

If you aren't on the email list you might want to tee up the sound here and take a listen to whats up with youth over the next few weeks.

  • FCA Event - April 9th - No youth at church
  • Super Summer Applications
  • We WILL have youth on Wednesday April 16 & 23rd.
  • New Life Ranch spring retreat - April 25-27th - SIGN UP!

Apr 3, 2014

NEW LIFE RANCH - APRIL 25-27, 2014

Will you come with us to NEW LIFE RANCH?

We will have another great trip to NLR in late April! You should seriously consider going!  You can check out NLR at this link.

Cost is $75 per student and that includes lodging and all the meals while we are there. (For grades 6th-12th)

All students need completed a Heaston Consent & Liability Release prior to attending.  You can find the release form at this LINK.

Contact Jay or Samantha if you want to join us!

Check out this great ZipLine Montage from one of our trips below!

"You gotta love NLR!"...je

Jan 17, 2014

What's up with @HeastonYouth ??

Hope you get a chance to come hang out with us for every single one of these events!  We'd love to see you.

Don't forget that a few of these you need to sign up for in the Youth Area or let Jay or Samantha know via text.

Kingdom Weekend will be awesome this year!  We have a worship band from FrontlineChurch.tv and Abraham Wright will be joining us this year!