Dec 3, 2015

HeastonYouth - DECEMBER 2015

We hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Thanksgiving! We are praying for those of you still without electricity and praying it will be turned on soon!

Due to the electrical outages, Heaston will NOT have church tonight (12/2)! We are postponing the caroling. We will meet next Wednesday, December 9th at church at our regular time - 6:00pm for dinner. We are planning on taking the bus into El Reno to either go Caroling at Woodson Apt. or work at Blessing Baskets. The students will be back at the church at 8:00pm to go home. We will keep you informed of the the plan!

Sunday, December 13th is the YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY at Madison Powell's home, from 6:00-8:00PM. The party is for all youth students from 6-12th grade. Please save the date! It will be a great time for all!

Hope to see everyone

"You Got This!"

Oct 7, 2015


Happy Fall!

We are into the swing of things on Wednesday nights with youth. We have had two game nights as well as the students have been studying the book of Daniel. While studying the book of Daniel, we have challenged the students to memorize verses that will help them witness to their friends about Jesus. We have had a few students take the challenge! I have attached the verses for you to be able to see at the end of the email. 

We have a few events coming up this month that we want to make sure you know about so you and your student can be involved...

Sunday, October 25th 
We will be having our annual Lord's Harvest Scavenger Hunt from 5:00-7:00pm (Dinner will be served!)
at Jay and Samantha Emory's home. After a great meal, the students will divide into teams and canvas the town in search of food and paper goods to be donated to the Lord's Harvest in El Reno. Adult Leaders will be driving the students as they go to friends', teachers, family and neighbors to gather food! It is always a fun time and a great way to give back to the community!!!

Wednesday, October 28th 
Wednesday (the 28th) is the Fall Carnival at Heaston for children up to 5th grade. We will not be having youth but serving alongside others at Heaston to provide a great time for the Fall Carnival. We will have the responsiblity of running a few games for the Fall Carnival. Please let Samantha or Jay know if you would be available to help with the games. Thank you!

Saturday, October 31st
The Annual Chicken Dinner!!! The youth will have a silent auction going during the Chicken Dinner to raise money for Youth Mission Fund and our New Life Ranch retreat in February. Please consider how you can donate to the Silent Auction. We have had services (pedicures, lawn care, car care, etc.), items either bought, gently used or made, and homemade desserts or dinners provided in the past for the auction. We would love to know what you can donate, so please contact Jay and/or Samantha. We will need all non perishable auction items by Thursday, October 29th and perishable auction items by Saturday, October 31st. Thank you again for donating!!!


Jul 24, 2015

Upon Haiti

It just seems like yesterday when Heaston sent a mission team in maybe 15 years to Haiti.

Today, the second team in as many years will arrive at 4:15pm. They'll visit our dear friends on STEP Campus in the central part of Port au Prince!

We'll try to update from "in country" but it may be difficult due to only intermittent cellular service.

The team thanks for your prayers.


Jun 8, 2015

Heaston Youth SUMMER 2015

Summer has ramped up and we are already almost to the middle of June!! What is going on with time and the speed at which it is traveling... It's crazy y'all!

Our Super Summer students are back and had a great week...maybe YOU (or your student) should consider it next year?  We attached a copy of a video from 2014 at the bottom!  Very fun week and one that always stretches the students faith!

The Fishing Derby was last weekend and it was another great time with 23 kids indicating they have placed their trust in Jesus Christ! 

Heaston Youth Summer Schedule:

June 1-5th Super Summer       
Wednesday, June 3rd – Super Summer Chapel Service – leave at 5:00pm
June 6th    Fishing Derby at Coffee grounds
June 14-17th     VBS
June 19-20th    YEC Texas
Wednesday, June 24th – Abraham Wright speaking    6:30-8:00pm
*Wednesday nights – 6:30-8:00pm (Dinner, speaker, games)

Wednesday, July 8th – Justin Racca speaking    6:30-8:00pm
Wednesday, July 22nd – Sierra Branch speaking    6:30-8:00pm
Sunday, July 19th – Elevation after church/Promotion Sunday

 Mission Trips (Mexico: July 7-13/Haiti: July 24-29th)

Wednesday, August 5th – Games at church    6:30-8:00pm
Sunday, August 16th – Celebration Station/Putt Putt
August 22-23rd             Franklin Graham Crusade
*Saturday is youth night – 7:00-9:30pm
  Chesapeake Arena (Lacey and Skillet performing)
August 26th                  Volunteer Appreciation Banquet (Leaders ONLY)
Sunday, August 30th - Hot Dogs for the Homeless

September 2nd             Fall Kick Off
September 9th                           Wednesday Nights at Heaston BEGIN

May 14, 2015

Baccalaureate Service this Sunday at Heaston!!!


THIS SUNDAY, May 17th @ 9AM, In the Heaston Youth area... graduating high school students, their families and invited guests will celebrate our graduates with a breakfast honoring them. We'll have a great breakfast, fellowship and a time of praying together! It's always a great time to be together and celebrate with our graduating students.

Later, in front of the entire congregation, during our regular worship time at Heaston,we will recognize the graduates and introduce them briefly and possibly learn and view a brief slideshow of their sweet little selves. : ) 

Just what is a BACCALAUREATE SERVICE anyway...?
A Baccalaureate is a centuries-old religious graduation tradition that started in England, but in the United States, the term generally refers to a non-denominational ceremony held a few days before high school or college graduation.  Baccalaureate ceremonies offer a quieter, more intimate opportunity to pause and reflect on this rite of passage, [and] hear [others] members offer advice to the graduating class. (source: about parenting)

Apr 2, 2015

Heaston Youth SPRING EVENTS + more

How in the world are you?
The tough part about spring is shows, sports and storms!  It seems like we've barely seen the students with all that has been going on... We've had a Wednesday canceled due to snow and last week storms, spring break and the list goes on an on... We all miss seeing the students and are looking forward to getting back into the swing of things!

We have quite a few events coming up in the next few months with the deadlines to sign up coming even quicker! Please check out the events below and have your student sign up to attend...  

You can hear these announcements on our PODCAST too.


EASTER is THIS week so please plan to join us for Sunday Easter services. Heaston will have two services 9:00am and 10:30am with our annual Easter Brunch to follow the 10:30am service. There will NOT be Sunday Morning classes on Easter. 

SENIORS - Sunday, May 17th is Baccalaureate Sunday! We will be honoring you with a special service as well as a nice lunch. Please put together 5-7 pictures of you at various ages, in your favorite activities and with family and friends. We will put together a slide show for that special day. The pictures are due to Samantha by Sunday, April 26th. Thank you!

And finally SUPER SUMMER STUDENTS...Super Summer is June 1st-5th at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, OK. The cost is $195 - please get your check to Jay or Samantha. Thanks!

Have a great week and do not hesitate to contact Jay, Samantha or any of those  "Crazy Youth Leaders" for information about what is happening at HeastonYouth.

*****************UPCOMING EVENTS****************
Burleson, Texas
Friday, June 19th – Saturday, June 20th
COST: $50.00 per student (yes, that's all)
YEC is the Youth Evangelism Conference. It is a great time of worship, encouragement and teaching on sharing your faith with others. We will drive to Texas in the church bus on the afternoon of Friday and return Saturday night. We will stay at the Hampton Inn in Ft. Worth, Texas on Friday night. The cost to attend includes a ticket to YEC, hotel accommodations, dinner on Friday night and breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday.  Your student needs to simply bring spending money and their wonderful self. WE HAVE 16 TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW... SO, FIRST TO SIGN UP AND PAY ARE GUARANTEED A SPOT..
Deadline to sign up for YEC is Wednesday, April 15th


FM419 - Youth Training for the Good News Festival

FM419 is a high-octane opportunity for youth leaders and the youth of your city to be the light in the darkness, reaching other young people for Christ. FM419 is designed to help you live a life that pleases God, equip you to share your faith in Jesus Christ, and qualify you to serve as a counselor at events held by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Join youth from across your region for music and life-changing training. Get down to the basics of what you believe, find power to live what you say, and learn how to share your faith with others.

**HeastonYouth will meet at the normal pickup/dropoff location in El Reno for both Friday and Saturday for the event. (old WalMart parking lot)  

May 1st Friday – 6:00PM – 9:00PM
May 2nd Saturday – 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Victory Church
4300 N MacArthur Blvd.
Warr Acres, Oklahoma 73122
 Admission is $10!
Deadline to sign up for FM419 is Wednesday, APRIL 22ND!
Mark your calendars...The Good News Festival with Franklin Graham is coming August 22nd - August 23rd!