We want to make sure everyone is clear on tomorrow night's
activities as well as the next couple of dates we have for the youth to meet.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Wednesday, October 31st - The church is having a Fall Festival for children up to 5th grade. The Fall Festival will involve dinner, games, a storytime, hayride and lots of candy from 6:00-8:00pm.
Wednesday, October 31st - The church is having a Fall Festival for children up to 5th grade. The Fall Festival will involve dinner, games, a storytime, hayride and lots of candy from 6:00-8:00pm.
Happy Fall!!
THE YOUTH are also going to be having dinner (6:00pm) and then
help with the games for the Fall Festival. AFTER the games the youth will
gather for a Scavenger Hunt with adults driving. We will go longer tomorrow
night on account of the scavenger hunt - WE WILL END at 9:00pm. The youth are
encouraged to wear a non-scary costume and come join in the fun! (the youth are
doing a picture scavenger hunt!)
November 4th - We have youth at the church from 6:00-8:00pm. We are having a
movie night to watch the Not A Fan Movie. Dinner will be provided.
November 11th - The youth are having a youth fundraiser lunch for the church.
We will be preparing a Mexican meal with the help of Gloria Blanco. Please have
your students to the church by 9:30am to help prepare the meal. The youth will
also serve and clean up! We have included a list of items that we will need for
the meal.
In His Service,
Jay and Samantha