Jul 30, 2012


FYI:: Good afternoon friends.. We WILL be having YOUTH WEDNESDAY night at 6:30 meeting at Heaston Church.  We will eat a quick bite and then complete the process of preparation for the Thursday services (Clay).

ALSO the memorial service for our friend Clay is THURSDAY morning at 10am at Heaston.  

We love you guys!

Jay & Samantha

Jul 29, 2012

Walk to the light...

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.
(John 12:46 NIV)

"There is a connection between the strange providential circumstances allowed by God and what we know of Him, and we have to learn to interpret the mysteries of life in the light of our knowledge of God. Until we can come face to face with the deepest, darkest fact of life without damaging our view of God's character, we do not yet know Him." - Oswald Chambers


Jul 21, 2012

Hot Dogs at Bornemanns!!

Had a great night at Justin and Britney Bornemann's home on Wednesday! It was a bit hot cooking the dogs over the fire in the pic since it was like 105 outside... But a great night for sure!

We had a little worship time, discussed how Paul details "worship" in the book of Romans and ended with a great game of "tusker tag". THANK YOU BORNEMANN'S!!

Next youth get together is August 1st at Fred/Becky Reuter's home..

AND Don't forget ...YEC2012 Conference is August 10th-11th. For more info http://heaston-church.com


Jul 17, 2012

YEC2012 - Aug 10th-11th

JEYou need to go to this event in TULSA!
Student cost is $60. More details at http://heaston-church.com


Youth meets WED - JULY 18th!! We'll leave the BONE APPETITE parking lot at @6:15pm and going to the Justin and Brittney Bornemann's house for "activities"!

You're appointed-1Tim1:12

Jay Emory